Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Eat the Alphabet #3: A

The letter A

Finally got around to A! I was going to wait until spring, but I had all the other ingredients, so we went ahead with it.

First of all, a salad:
Avocado, apple, and anise

 The scene to my left...Play-doh man...not interested in helping today

I've never eaten an artichoke in my life... MAYBE one time when it was on something served to me in a restaurant, but even then I may have picked it off.

This video was the one I watched for how to cook and eat. She's adorable and I want to be friends with her.

Turned out pretty good... I may or may not be buying like 4 more next time I go shopping...

 With that, Albacore tuna
and Asparagus and arugula soup, sprinkled with asiago cheese.

Dessert was applesauce, almonds, apricots, and sprinkled with allspice.

The artichokes were better than expected, but Toby didn't like them.
I'm not a fan of anise, but I wanted to try it again.
The asparagus I bought was kind of woody so it didn't blend nicely and the soup has a very grassy texture, but it tasted ok.

I wanted some alfalfa sprouts for the salad too, but couldn't find any and by the time I had all the other food planned there wasn't time to sprout our own. I'm hoping to do a bunch of sprouts this spring.

We has apple juice to drink, but for the adults among us, the juice is good with a splash of amaretto too!
Advocaat is another A drink... but... it's kind of awful....

First three letters down, 23 to go!

Happy Eating!!

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