Monday, September 29, 2014

Eat the Alphabet #10: K

The Letter K

K has lot's of unique foods attached to it!

I knew I wanted Kale and Kohlrabi right away, and then also settled on Kielbasa sticks, Key limes, and Kidney beans.

While looking through grocery stores for kohlrabi (because, again, the grocery store we usually go to ran out the day I actually wanted some), I came across these lumpy little cucumber looking things called Karela. WOO, more weird K food!

 I got home I looked up how to prepare karela, and discovered that the more common name for the fruit is 'bitter melon'. That....doesn't sound appetizing.
The consensus of the internet was that you need to soak it in salt brine over night to help draw out some of the bitterness. I had and hour before dinner.
One article detailed how the author used to cry as a child when karela stir fry was on the dinner menu at their house. That... sounds promising..
It can't be that bad though, right?
Let's stop wasting time and cut 'er open.. 

Now what?...

I made kale chips while I waited for the karela to soak in some salt in the hopes that it would work anyway.

Mmmmm kale chips.

Caught in the act.

Further avoiding the karela, homemade key limeade.

 More food stealing... dinner must have been late this night... I blame the karela.

Alright, time to make some stuff up.
Loosely following some directions found online, I scrounged for anything I could to make this stir fry taste good.
I started with sauteed onion, garlic, olive oil, salt and pepper.
Added soaked and rinsed melon and and a bit of water - put the lid on and steamed for a bit.
Crossed my fingers that if I cooked it enough it would taste ok.
Added tumeric and chili powder.
Waited for the melon bits to soften up.
Stared at the pan wondering what the heck I thought I was doing.

Towards the end I added a bunch of kale and the kidney beans.
Once they softened I dared try some.

Don't every buy karela.
Unless maybe you do have time to brine it over night.
But even then I don't think it will help.
(Karela is actually supposed to be really really good for controlling diabetes, as is all bitter foods. But this was the next thing to unbearable.)

After I picked out the karela, and made some rice to fill out the meal, It was really really good.

And for dessert, Kiwi!!

--Happy Eating!!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Eat the Alphabet #9: I and J

The letters I and J

I had to combine these two letters because I didn't have enough things that started with I to make a meal out of.

We had Iced tea (like actual iced tea, not Nestea)
Jambalaya made with jasmine rice, jalapenos, and jumbo shrimp.
Based off this Jamie Oliver recipe:
Then topped with with Iceberg lettuce

 For dessert: Ice cream and Jam

I tried to find a Jicama which is a Mexican turnip but couldn't. The grocery store seems to do that a lot... carry obscure things, then when I want then they are gone.

This was a short one, but we didn't have much to work with!
Can you think of anything else that starts with I?
--Happy Eating!!