I miss this blog. I wish I was able to keep up with it more.
Toby is now 5, and I feel like the things he's eating, although still awesome, aren't as exceptional as when he was eating all this interesting food at age 2. I have a whole list of things I was going to add to this blog with accompanying photos and I just never got around to writing out the recipes.
The other reason I stopped posting recipes is because I started writing a cookbook.
About two years ago, when I was writing all the recipes for this blog, I became obsessed with 'perfecting' all of the foods I made on a regular basis. My time was spent doing that and photographing the dishes, and I felt I didn't have the gumption to keep up with updates here, or post a recipe if it wasn't going to work or I was going to end up changing it.
The cookbook I'm writing is geared to allowing kids, even very small kids, help out in the kitchen with making healthy foods. All recipes are gluten-free and can be adapted to be vegan.
This book has been a big deal for me, and at the moment I'm frustrated with the choice of finding a publisher or self-publishing. The self-publishing company I was going to use changed their book layout/binding options recently which has left me back at the beginning.
I promise I'm working on it, and I'd like to re-start this blog again. I think it will become more of an outlet for food-related activities we do, and not always recipes (but always involving Toby and eating :))
Thanks to those who have been supporting of my ventures thus far, and I hope to bring more stuff to this page for you guys.
As always, Happy Eating!